Here are a few of the things you can do over the course of winter to make sure next spring starts off strong and not in a mad dash. 

  1. Review the last year – Look at how your growth was, any areas that struggled to produce, what you would have liked to have as an outcome, and start to plan how you can address these issues.
  2. Plan out any expansions – What to add in a new path? Need to add some more raised beds? What to try out new crops? This is the time to whip out the old blueprint and play around with your set-up and figure out what you like.
  3. Pre-Order those seeds – This year in particular it will be important to get those orders in before supplies run out. So, head to your favorite seed, bulb, and starter shop and get thoses pre-orders in so you are ready, at the same time organize your old seeds along with your new ones to know what you will be planting first and need to use up.
  4. Take an Inventory – Take stock of what tools need upgrading, what pots need replaced, and organize your garden area. This can let you know what you might need to pick up or if you have started to outgrow your current storage area and if that is an area you might be able to spend time on improving while that growing season is down.
  5. Check on your potted plants – Remember just because your potted plants are dormant, they still need to be checked in on a regular basis. Give light waterings once or twice a week, check for mold growth or pest infestation, gauge humidity levels and temperature checks in your storage area. 
  6. Reapply mulch – If you have sensitive plants in the garden remember to keep them protected by reapplying mulch or even getting extra use from your christmas tree by laying evergreen boughs over them. Come early spring make sure to remove these measures to give the plants room to grow and sprout. 
  7. Moose are Hungry – As we know in Alaska, moose are the real pest in the garden, so ensure you are checking your fencing and surrounding areas for signs of moose activity. If seen, try to fortify the area if possible or create deturants for their wandering in the area. 

These are just some of the things to keep in mind over the winter and may your gardens grow well next spring. 


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