The Store Outside Your Door webisode series highlights traditional foods from around the state. Each webisode takes you out to harvest from the “Store Outside Your Door” then into the kitchen to learn how to prepare a delicious and nutritious traditional dish with a contemporary twist.

This is an Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Wellness and Prevention initiative to promote the knowledge and use of traditional foods and traditional ways.

The ANTHC Store Outside Your Door team travels to Sitka for the annual Herring Egg Harvest. Herring Eggs are a rich source of heart and brain healthy omega fats! The Herring Eggs harvested blessed not only the community in Sitka but also made their way to provide healthy comfort food for our Alaska Native Medical Center patients.

To follow along with this series and to see other videos created by ANTHC, please subscribe to their YouTube channel at

Please Visit the Store Outside Your Door page at for any updates or head to the ANTHC website at to find out about any other programs you might be interested in.


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