More on regrowing/propagation

Regrow (propagate)
As mentioned in our article about options for working with scraps from your garden, regrowing is a great way to reuse your scraps to propagate new crops. There are pros and cons to propagation, but when it comes to using scraps and not using propagation as your sole means of gardening, regrowing helps reduce waste and create more food opportunities.
The Pros of Propagation:
Propagation is a more certain and faster way to grow versus waiting for a seedling to sprout. It only requires one parent plant for reproduction, and they grow indefinitely. This results in genetically identical offspring, continuing the production of desirable characteristics in a plant previously grown. This process of regrowing also results in the production of seedless plants allowing for the reproduction of plants without viable seeds (this is more important for commercial growers, but still good to know).
The Cons of Propagation:
Drawbacks to consider when wanting to regrow plants are that these propagated crops are short-lived and small compared to seed-grown plants. They are also more susceptible to stress and diseases, as well as more expensive compared to plants that are grown from seeds. Again, this is more important for those who intend to use regrowing as their sole means of growing crops or are doing so commercially. There is also the need for skilled individuals if regrowing commercially. Suppose you want more variety and don’t want to increase the presence of a specific plant characteristic. In that case, it is essential to understand that there are no new varieties with propagation, and there is a low possibility of dispersal.
What Crops Best Propagate:
Most root vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, shallots, celery, and carrots, are easy to propagate. Leafy greens, like lettuce, bok choi, cabbages, etc., are also great for propagation. Herbs such as basil, mint, and cilantro are also great for regrowing.
If you are interested in regrowing your scraps, we would suggest visiting sites likefor some simple steps on how to propagate the listed vegetables.
Written by Amanda Grella
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